Wednesday, November 12, 2008

S-s-s-s-steamboat! :D

Last Saturday night, there is this 4 idiot who said wanted to watch movie at Time Square.

But when the 4 idiot reached Time Square, they realized that there are no good movie/suitable time. Out of the sudden, one of them begin to talk:-

Idiot A: Mari kita pergi makan ni~
Idiot B: Eat what oh?
Idiot A: Heiyeh~ makan KFC jeh~~
Idiot C: KFC again? Don't want la~ sienzz
Idiot B: Lol
Idiot A: Saya tahu ni~ jom makan steamboat ni~~
Idiot C&D: Steamboat?
Idiot B: Hmm, can also...but where to eat? Huh...that place call what already...? *scratch head*
Idiot D: Queen's Park?
Idiot B: Yes! Let's go! But I want go Sungei Wang 1st.. need to buy comics

and so, the 4 idiot leaves Time Square and headed to Sungei Wang then drive all the way to Queen's Park. xD

and thus... STEAMBOAT!! :D with "double-sided" soup *drools*

The dude with HUGE arm is Idiot A a.k.a Kah Seng *just ignore the guy on the right*

Evil smirking dude, Idiot B a.k.a Boon Pin

Here is the right guy who got ignored just now! Idiot C a.k.a Kok Chean

Some random stupid stuff done by Idiot A

Idiot A: Huueasdgjsd~!
Idiot C: Wtf?

and...Idiot D a.k.a myself :> don't have picture la xDD

after that we went to V2 dargei, as usual our Saturday/Sunday night :> but too bad, V2 girl is not there, NUUUUUUUU :[


KTBP said...

Wow, I <3 idiots. =D

豆包小子(BeanPrince) said...

eat us!!!!wakaka eat "steamboat" (our group name)wakaka~~~

Anonymous said...
