Monday, December 1, 2008

Console Qee 01 - XBOX Qee


It's finally done! *Coughs* Only the front side tho :P
The "back side" and the webpage layout coming soon :o

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

S-s-s-s-steamboat! :D

Last Saturday night, there is this 4 idiot who said wanted to watch movie at Time Square.

But when the 4 idiot reached Time Square, they realized that there are no good movie/suitable time. Out of the sudden, one of them begin to talk:-

Idiot A: Mari kita pergi makan ni~
Idiot B: Eat what oh?
Idiot A: Heiyeh~ makan KFC jeh~~
Idiot C: KFC again? Don't want la~ sienzz
Idiot B: Lol
Idiot A: Saya tahu ni~ jom makan steamboat ni~~
Idiot C&D: Steamboat?
Idiot B: Hmm, can also...but where to eat? Huh...that place call what already...? *scratch head*
Idiot D: Queen's Park?
Idiot B: Yes! Let's go! But I want go Sungei Wang 1st.. need to buy comics

and so, the 4 idiot leaves Time Square and headed to Sungei Wang then drive all the way to Queen's Park. xD

and thus... STEAMBOAT!! :D with "double-sided" soup *drools*

The dude with HUGE arm is Idiot A a.k.a Kah Seng *just ignore the guy on the right*

Evil smirking dude, Idiot B a.k.a Boon Pin

Here is the right guy who got ignored just now! Idiot C a.k.a Kok Chean

Some random stupid stuff done by Idiot A

Idiot A: Huueasdgjsd~!
Idiot C: Wtf?

and...Idiot D a.k.a myself :> don't have picture la xDD

after that we went to V2 dargei, as usual our Saturday/Sunday night :> but too bad, V2 girl is not there, NUUUUUUUU :[

Console Xbox Qee *on Illustrator CS2*

If you ask me to use Photoshop, I have no problem.

BUT if you ask me to use Illustrator; I had a big problem since I don't really fancy the pen tool :<

anyway, here is the Console Qee - Xbox Qee done in Illustrator :>
it's haven't finish though..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Console Qee

It's been forever since I updated my blog *but fear not, it's not dying xD*

Well, here is my Qee Toy design....

It's based on gaming console from different era. Most of the design are taken and broken down into the Qee itself.

If you look closely, you can see that the PS2 Qee wasn't that good :/
I had BAD TIME designing that Qee because PS2 is somewhat lacks of design features...but nonetheless it's an awesome gaming console :D I LOVE MY PS2 :D

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Miniature MONSTER >_>


They have been around for so long *100 - 130 millions years, according to wiki* and still lurks around the corner of my house. A lot of them. >_>

I have already been bitten like 3-4 times this week. Although it doesn't hurt that much but it's damn itchy.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New blog, same old me xD

Well, I don't really like to blog...but it's for study purpose >.>
Hopefully someday I might find blogging is interesting =)

Gonna customize my blog a.s.a.p when I am free =)
I really do need help from ANYONE who knows about blogging, etc please =D